Week 5 (10/17): Iterative Design and the User

Preparation Before Class:

Rose Eveleth is coming to class so if you haven’t listened to her podcast assigned last class, please listen and come up with a question to ask her.

Bot for Teacher

In Class Discussion:

  • Writing exercise on the future.
  • Discussing the user / usability
  • Breaking down interfaces: the tension between user and business model.
  • The Development process: From mind maps to sketches, wireframes to prototype.
  • Design Thinking from IDEO
  • Your assignments


Rose Eveleth is a producer, designer, writer and animator based in Brooklyn. She is a super-freelancer, who has used her journalism, science, production and designer background to create all types of media for the BBC, WNYU, science magazines, The Atlantic, blogs like BoingBoing, TED-ed, a host of podcasts like Radiolab, on and on. AND she talks, writes and thinks about the future a lot.

Reflection / Assignment After Class:

Read / Watch:

Reflection / Assignment for Forum:

It’s time to pinpoint your problem/design challenge in the future of Higher Education. We have spoken thus far about many aspects of high education (financial, efficacy, cultural, future visions) and education in general. We have started to learn to interview. We have made different content (and will continue to do more). This can be thought of as the research portion of the process.

Download IDEO’s Field Guide To Human-Centered Design. Read the start of the guide (pp 9-29). Complete the exercise on page 31 called “Frame Your Design Challenge” and post it to Conversation.