Week 4 (10/3): A Visit to the Future

I. Preparation Before Class:

Read/ Watch:



II. In Class Discussion:

Guest: TBA

  • Explore yesterday’s visions of today.
  • Examine the scope of changes in our future
  • Discuss the need to imagine a future.
  • Understand the limits of tech utopianism.
  • Superforcasting and confirmation Bias
  • Forecasting the possible impact of technology on education.


III. Reflection / Assignment After Class:


Reflection / Assignment for Forum:

Now it’s time for you to teach. Take a subject or a skill that you know well and prepare a lesson for someone to experience. The lesson content must be through some technology: the web, audio, video or application. You must create a pre and post-test to assess how successful your learning content was educating your student. Write about the process and outcome in the conversation forum.

Next session (in 2 weeks!) : Designing for the user