Week 2 (09/19): The Higher Education Economic Landscape in the US

43.3 million Americans, regardless if they graduated,  are now saddled with $1.26 trillion in student loan debt. The future of higher education and who will pay for it was a key issue of the 2016 democratic primary and currently in the US Presidential elections. There are issues with quality of education, access to it, and affordability. In class, we will break down the economic forces playing a part in the current problem.

I. Preparation Before Class:


II. In Class Discussion:

  • Let’s discuss our assignments on how you personally value a higher education degree.
  • What is required for “Higher Education”
  • Let’s list and discuss some of the problems facing American Higher Education
  • What does the economic story look like for the student? What does it look like for the faculty?
  • Let’s dive into your reading reflections.
  • Exploring Content: Sound

III. Reflection / Assignment After Class:

Reflection / Assignment for Forum:

Where (location) did you get your training.  Research the higher education model of another region. Seek out one of your classmates who experienced a higher education in a different place than you. Find out the issues being faced there and contrast them what we have discussed with the American system. You can either write or create an audio piece  about what you have learned.


Deeper Dive:

Next week:

The state of the Higher Ed Campus