Week 1 (09/12): What is the Value of a Higher Education Degree ?

This week, we start the conversation on the value of Higher Education. We will introduce themes that will be explored throughout the class and discuss how we want this learning space to operate.

I. Preparation Before Class:

  • Come with an eager, open mind

II. In Class Discussion:

  • Review Structure and Organization of the class


  • What is the value of a Higher Education degree? What are the benefits of a traditional degree? What does it lack?
  • What do you seek with higher education?


  • How does a workflow like design thinking help solve big problems?
  • What are the benefits to considering diversity when it comes to design?
  • What is content? What is code? What is an API? What is a framework? What is a platform?
  • Slide Deck

III. Reflection / Assignment After Class:



Deeper Dive:

Reflection / Assignment for Conversation:


  • Why did you choose to attend Graduate School?
  • Do you think a Higher Education is necessary today or in the future?
  • Now that you have stated some reasons why you are pursuing a degree at a traditional school, investigate and write about other ways to obtain this knowledge in alternative learning experiences.

Complete these blog tasks:

  • Introduce yourself in a blog post. (You can combine this with the write assignment.
  • Complete the Skills Survey.
  • Comment on a classmate’s post.

Next week:

The economic state of Higher Education