“Content Crumbs” is an interactive educational tool that helps users take new learnings or bits of information, teach it to their future self via a short audio clip or “Content Crumb”, and virtually place it in relevant locations for future use. Think augmented reality but with audio.
Problem statement
Often, educational content isn’t contextualized in the real-world or is hard to summon up in a moment of relevance or need.
Concept description
This concept is essentially to help make pieces of educational content accessible on the go. As the student learns different modules, they (or their instructor) make an 1-2 minute audio recording or “Content Crumb” of their learnings and tag it to a specific geolocation where it might be useful later. As the user goes about their life, with the Content Crumbs app running in the background, when they bump into a place that has a virtual Content Crumb, they’ll be notified and able to revisit past learnings. The hope is that this both summons up past knowledge and helps solidify the lesson in their mind.
On the flip side, the user can take photos out in the real world and bring them back into folders on the app (or whatever it is), for inspiration back at their desk/office/workspace. Kind of like Pinterest for the real world.